By now, you’ve probably heard of growth mindset and the tremendous impact it has on confidence, motivation, and success.
Check out this list of the BEST growth mindset resources for kids, parents, and teachers. Organized by category, this curated resource list includes videos, articles, lesson plans, programs, curriculums, activities for homeschool, classroom, or home.
We’ve organized all resources into the following sections:
- Getting Started with Growth Mindset
- Cultivating Persistence and Grit
- Parenting for a Growth Mindset
- Teaching for a Growth Mindset
- The Power of Praise
- How the Brain Learns
- Why Mistakes/Failure Are Great
- Misconceptions About Growth Mindset
- Additional Resources
Getting Started with Growth Mindset
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck: Learn how to use the power of growth mindset to flourish in school, work, relationships, and life in general.
- How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough: Understand how character influences success far more than intelligence—and what you can do as a parent to effectively prepare your child for adulthood.
- The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity, and Resilience in Your Child by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson: Simple strategies for helping kids face their difficulties with openness and curiosity.
- The Secret to Raising Smart Kids by Carol Dweck: Read about why you should emphasize persistence and strategies over intellect and talent, plus some simple steps to foster a growth mindset in your child.
- Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets that Shape Our Lives by Maria Popova: Understand the fundamental differences between the two mindsets, how they are formed, and why developing a growth mindset matters.
- How to Teach Growth Mindset to Kids (4 Week Guide) by Big Life Journal: Check out this step-by-step article for teaching growth mindset, complete with scripts and handouts.

- Mindset Online: Peruse Carol Dweck’s website for a simple explanation of Growth Mindset, links to interviews with the author, and tips for changing your mindset.
- Big Life Journal: Discover growth mindset journals, blog posts, activities, and printables. Subscribe to receive free weekly growth mindset printables.
- The Power of Believing You Can Improve by Carol Dweck: Learn more about the power of yet and how you can “build the bridge to yet,” change kids’ mindsets and give them gifts like confidence and persistence.
- The Power of Belief: Mindset and Success by Eduardo Briceño: Watch the CEO of MindWorks draw on social science research and real-life examples to explain how our understanding of intelligence and abilities impacts success.
- Developing a Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck: Be inspired by this Stanford+Connects lecture about growth mindset, the power of yet, and how they can help kids succeed in and out of the classroom.
- Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset by Sprouts: Enjoy this wonderfully explained, adorably illustrated explanation of growth mindset, fixed mindset, and why it matters.
- How to Help Every Child Fulfill Their Potential by RSA: Listen to Carol Dweck discuss how our interactions with children can help them reach their fullest potential, accompanied by RSA’s world-famous animation.
- Top 75 Growth Mindset Movies for Children by Big Life Journal: Choose a title from our curated list of movies with characters who demonstrate a growth mindset.
- Big Life Journal YouTube Channel: Watch videos on how to use Big Life Journal printables, parenting Q&As, Mindset Mondays, and more.
- Growth Mindset Statements (inside the Growth Mindset Printables Kit): Print out and post our popular growth mindset statements poster in your home or classroom. You CAN change your mindset with words!
- Growth Mindset ABC’s poster (inside the Growth Mindset Printables Kit): Share this popular poster with your children or class. The ABC’s poster is an encouraging and fun way to discuss growth mindset characteristics.
Cultivating Persistence and Grit
- Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth: Discover the secret to success that’s more valuable than talent: a combination of passion and persistence that pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth calls “grit.”
- Top 30 Children's Books about Resilience by Big Life Journal: Read a book that promotes resilience and whose characters have grit. When we read stories that show others facing their problems and overcoming obstacles, we’re helping to develop the same mindset in our children.
- The Secret to Raising Smart Kids by Carol Dweck: Read about why you should emphasize persistence and strategies over intellect and talent, plus some simple steps to foster a growth mindset in your child.
- How to Raise Resilient Kids Who Never Give Up by Big Life Journal: Teach your children to be resilient. You can provide the tools they’ll need to navigate them successfully. This article outlines five tips to help you raise a resilient child.
- 9 Activities to Build Grit and Resilience in Children by Big Life Journal: Read about how you can teach resilience and passion. Repeat the activities outlined in the article with your child to help him develop his inner grittiness, putting him on the path to happiness and success.
- You Can Learn Anything by Khan Academy: Teach the kids in your life that they have the power to “build their brains” and become better learners.
- The Backwards Brain Bicycle by Smarter Every Day: Show children how brain figures things out and learns new things.
- How Many Times Should You Try Before Success? by Alex The Doodle Video Guy: Share this video with your children or students to help them learn how famous people failed on their way to success.
- Carol Dweck on the Power of Yet: Listen to how this simple word (yet) can change the way your child thinks about challenges.
Parenting for a Growth Mindset
- Mindsets for Parents: Strategies to Encourage Growth Mindset in Kids by Mary Cay Ricci and Margaret Lee: Discover advice and real-life examples for teaching this important concept.
- The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting: Raising Children with Courage, Compassion, and Connection by Brene Brown: Learn how to embrace imperfection and teach your kids to lead authentic, compassion-filled lives.
- Big Life Journal for Kids by Big Life Journal: Connect with your child using our growth mindset journal which develops strong Social and Emotional Learning and growth mindset skills through inspiring stories, colorful illustrations, and engaging guided activities.
- Big Life Journal for Tweens/Teens by Big Life Journal: Give older kids our growth mindset journal to help them develop the mindset of growth, resilience, gratitude, and positivity.
- Top 85 Growth Mindset Books for Children and Adults by Big Life Journal: Choose a book from our extensive list. One easy way to help children develop a growth mindset is to introduce them to books which promote persistence, love of learning, learning from mistakes and other key growth mindset ideas.
- Tapping for Teens EFT Journal - download this easy-to-follow guide for Teens on using this clinically proven self-help tool "Emotional Freedom Technique" to overcome various emotional challenges and build resilience for life. Includes all the basics of EFT, 5 helpful tapping scripts, goal setting, and self-reflection pages.
Tapping into Happy Kids - A Parent's Guide to using Emotional Freedom Technique- Use this comprehensive e-guide, interwoven with personal examples, case studies and easy step-by-step instructions on applying EFT Tapping to various issues for babies through to teens. Covers working with topics such as sleep, anxiety, bedwetting, bullying, ASD and more.

- How to Teach Growth Mindset to Kids (The 4-Week Guide) by Big Life Journal: Check out this step-by-step article for teaching growth mindset, complete with scripts and handouts.
- 10 Phrases to Help You Develop a Growth Mindset In Parenting by Alissa Marquess: Review these simple statements to help you shift parenting mistakes or setbacks into opportunities for growth.
- 25 Growth Mindset Statements and Affirmations by Big Life Journal: Read our top 25 growth mindset statements and affirmations you can start practicing with your children or students today.
- 5 Essential Steps to Create a Growth Mindset Corner by Big Life Journal: Create a growth mindset corner using our 5 essential steps. It is a powerful tool for practicing and learning growth mindset.
- 4 Ways to Handle Fix Mindset Adults in Your Kids’ Lives by Big Life Journal: Partner with key adults in your kids’ lives when trying to cultivate a growth mindset in your family. This article shares 4 simple ways to tackle this potentially tricky situation while strengthening your and your kids’ growth mindsets at the same time.
- Growth Mindset for Parents by PERTS: Explore lessons designed to teach parents what growth mindset is, why it matters, and the best strategies for instilling a growth mindset in kids. Includes activities, examples, and informative videos.
- Brainology for Home by Mindset Works: Introduce your kids to this blended learning curriculum featuring animated instructional units and research-based activities designed to help kids in grades 4-9 develop a growth mindset.
Three Ways Parents Can Instill a Growth Mindset by PERTS: Implement these three simple tips to have an immediate and powerful impact on your child’s mindset
How to Develop Growth Mindset in Kids by Smart Parent Stories: Learn more effective and easily implemented strategies to help your child build a powerful growth mindset.
How to Develop a Growth Mindset by Brandon Burchard: Learn some practical tips about developing a growth mindset—for yourself or your kids—from bestselling author and personal development trainer Brandon Burchard.
Fostering Growth Mindsets by Greater Good: Observe a discussion about fostering growth mindset between author Kelly Corrigan and Dr. Christine Carter, Executive Director of the Greater Good Science Center.
Teaching a Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck: Watch Carol Dweck as she explains how to best teach children about growth mindset and how it impacts their success.
Growth Mindset Video Series by ClassDojo: Educate younger kids about topics like making mistakes, the power of yet, and developing brain power with these short animated videos.
“Raising Kids with a Growth Mindset” Facebook Group: Join our supportive community to learn more about growth mindset, ask questions, share successes and interact with our team.
Big Life Journal weekly Parenting Q&A and weekly Parenting Challenges Watch our FREE growth mindset and parenting coaching videos and parenting challenges. Get inspired by our amazing team!
Growth Mindset Printables Kit by Big Life Journal: Use these colorful printables to help your children or students learn about a growth mindset.
Growth Mindset Activity Kit by Big Life Journal: Practice creativity, problem-solving, resilience, learning from mistakes, trying new things, goal-setting, overcoming challenges, managing emotions, mindfulness, and gratitude. This kit has 25 time-tested activities perfect for use at home or in a classroom.

Teaching for a Growth Mindset
The Growth Mindset Playbook: A Teacher’s Guide to Promoting Student Success by Annie Brock and Heather Hundley: Discover best practices for helping all your students realize their potential, and achieve growth mindsets. Includes lesson plan templates and simple strategies for overcoming challenges.
Becoming a Growth Mindset School by Chris Hildrew: Explore the theories behind growth mindset, and learn how to embed them in the culture of your school.
Developing a Growth Mindset in Teachers and Staff by Keith Heggart: Understand why establishing a positive mindset is just as important for teachers and staff as it is for kids.
Growth Mindset: 3 Reasons You Struggle To Teach It by Big Life Journal: Check out this article to help you tackle the challenges you might face as a parent or teacher when teaching growth mindset.
How to Teach Growth Mindset to Teens by Big Life Journal: Implement these 8 helpful tips for teaching growth mindset to teens.
Growth Mindset Assessment Tool by PERTS: Administer this survey to learn valuable information about your students’ current mindsets in just five minutes.
Mindset Kit for Teachers by PERTS: Use this free set of online lessons and practices to learn how to teach and foster adaptive beliefs about learning in your classroom.
Brainology by Mindset Works: Engage your students in this computer-based program that teaches kids about growth mindset through videos, animations, and activities.
LearnStorm by Khan Academy: Sign up for this free program and assign personalized practice and growth mindset activities to students. Includes lesson plans and Powerpoint presentations for educators.
Growth Mindset Programs by PERTS: Explore these programs with your students to help them learn about and develop a growth mindset. It’s free in the United States, and the program is faster than many others.
Ready-to-Use Resources for Mindsets in the Classroom: Everything Educators Need for Building Growth Mindset Learning Communities by Mary Cay Ricci: Provides educators with the tools they need to help students change their thinking about their abilities and potential. The book features ready-to-use, interactive tools for students, teachers, parents, administrators, and professional development educators.
Growth Mindset Lesson Plan by Khan Academy: Utilize the activities, links, and videos developed by Khan Academy in collaboration with PERTS. Lessons and activities can be adapted to meet the needs of your individual students.
Growth Mindset Lesson Resources by Lee Araoz: Use these brightly colored “blasts of motivation” to introduce growth mindset to your students and spark learning.
Growth Mindset Lesson Plans by The Ned Show: Help your students understand the difference between fixed mindset and growth mindset with these six lessons. Each lesson incorporates writing, reading, discussions, and other activities.
Big Life Journal Lesson Plans by Big Life Journal: Use these growth mindset lesson plans, worksheets and activities along with your Big Life Journal. This printable kit includes 13 lesson plans (110 pages) to help you guide young learners on an exciting journey of discovering growth mindset. Can be used in a homeschool setting/group or classroom.
Big Life Journal Teaching Guide (ages 11+) by Big Life Journal: Add these lesson plans to your homeschool or classroom to help incorporate Social-Emotional Learning and growth mindset to your children/students. It includes discussion questions, resources, extension activities, and teaching tips. This teaching resource goes together with the Big Life Journal - Teen Edition (you need the journal to use the guide). Recommended for ages 11 and above.

Praising the Process by Teaching Channel + PERTS: Watch a writing workshop in a first-grade classroom to learn how to use process praise to encourage a growth mindset.
Encouraging Students to Persist Through Challenges by Teaching Channel: Observe this second-grade classroom, and notice the targeted strategies used by the teacher to normalize struggle within the learning process and encourage students to reflect on their thinking.
Embracing Failure: Building a Growth Mindset Through the Arts by Edutopia: Learn how educators for New Mexico School for the Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico teach students how to integrate critical feedback.
My Favorite No: Learning from Mistakes by Teaching Channel: Watch how one teacher uses her daily warm-up/bell work as an opportunity to embrace and grow from mistakes.
Growth Mindset in Action by Guernsey Schools: Explore how Guernsey schools are using growth mindset to boost their students’ confidence and success.
How to Teach Growth Mindset to Students in 5 Steps by Stefanie Faye Frank: Simplify the process of teaching growth mindset to your students by implementing these five steps in your classroom.
Pathway Transformation Initiative- Growth Mindset by Fullerton College: Discover more about growth mindset and how it’s being successfully implemented at Fullerton College.
MindsetMaker by Mindset Works: Work through this online professional development course, which teaches educators the foundation of a growth mindset and empowers them with the tools and resources to cultivate a growth mindset culture in their classrooms and schools.
LeaderKit by Mindset Works: Lead your school to embrace a growth mindset culture using these tools, resources, and strategies designed to reach students, staff, classrooms, and parents.
G-Words: 20 Strategies for Fostering Grit and Growth Mindset, an ebook by Chase Mielke: Read this free ebook about the importance of social-emotional learning in today’s schools. It’s packed with creative, engaging strategies and activities to use in your classroom.
Growth Mindset - An Interactive PowerPoint on Persistence and Mistakes by Eve Coates: Use this interactive PowerPoint to teach your students about how to grow their brains (and how not to grow them). Complete with colorful and engaging examples.
Growth Mindset from YouCubed: Find resources to address beliefs about mathematics and unlock your students’ math potential.
Growth Mindset, a Driving Philosophy, Not Just a Tool by Edutopia: Explore five growth mindset practices that can help educators and schools pursue a growth mindset orientation.
- Big Life Kids Podcast by Big Life Journal: The Big Life Kids Podcast accompanies our journal for a multisensory learning experience. The podcast is absolutely free and includes helpful show notes for parents which include additional resource links and discussion questions.
I Can Grow My Brain poster inside the Growth Mindset Printables Kit by Big Life Journal: Assemble and color this amazing poster that helps kids learn about the power of their brain!
Inspirational Poster Bundles by Big Life Journal: Decorate and inspire with this convenient bundle of posters with growth mindset messages for kids, tweens, and teens. These posters are designed to cultivate positive self-talk, improve self-esteem, and develop a growth mindset.

The Power of Praise
The Ultimate Guide to Praising Your Kids by Big Life Journal: Learn how to praise kids so they develop resilience, grit, and growth mindset.
The Effect of Praise on Children’s Mindsets (Young Mathematicians): Discover why praising intelligence versus effort creates a fixed mindset, and how to ensure you’re praising the right way.
Carol Dweck: A Study on Praise and Mindsets by Trevor Ragan: Gain insight into Carol Dweck’s groundbreaking research on mindset and motivation through this brief but informative interview.
Effort, Not Achievement by Greater Good: Continue the discussion series featuring Kelly Corrigan and Christine Carter with this informative video about why the learning process trumps achievement for kids.
The Right Way to Praise Your Kids by Greater Good: Discover useful tips for praising your kids “the right way,” even if you’re finding it difficult to correct old habits.
Growth Mindset Praise Examples inside the Growth Mindset Kit by Big Life Journal: Review these 8 phrases that show you how to praise your children to foster a growth mindset.
The Ultimate Guide to Praising Your Kids inside the Growth Mindset Kit by Big Life Journal: Print out this poster and keep it close at hand for when you need a quick reminder on how to positively praise your child.
How the Brain Learns
How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where and Why It Happens by Benedict Carey: Read this fascinating guide into how learning and memory really work, and ways to apply the research in your own life.
Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch It, Shape It by JoAnn Deak: Discover how the brain grows and changes through exercise, just like the rest of our bodies.
How to Explain Growth Mindset to Kids: Neuroplasticity Activities by Big Life Journal: Learn how the brain’s ability to create new pathways makes it stronger and smarter, and find an “I Can Grow My Brain” poster too.
The Backwards Brain Bicycle by Smarter Every Day: Show children how brain figures things out and learns new things.
Growing Your Mind by Khan Academy: Share this video with your children or students to help them understand how struggle can “grow your brain.”
I Can Grow My Brain poster available inside the Growth Mindset Printables Kit by Big Life Journal: Assemble and color this amazing poster that helps kids learn about the power of their brain!
How to Explain Growth Mindset to Kids: Neuroplasticity Activities and Resources available inside the Growth Mindset Printables Kit by Big Life Journal: Keep this guide handy when you need fun and tangible ideas on teaching growth mindset to your kids.

Why Mistakes/Failure Are Great
What to Do When Mistakes Make You Quake: A Kid’s Guide to Accepting Imperfection (What-To-Do Guides for Kids): Discover simple steps for helping kids overcome self-criticism and fear of failure, using a cognitive-behavioral approach.
7 Ways to Teach Kids Failure Is a Great Thing by Big Life Journal: Learn why failure is a necessary component of success, and how kids can fail skillfully.
The ABC’s of Making Mistakes by Renee Jain: Find 26 phrases kids can use to transform mistakes into personal power.
Mistakes "Grow" Your Brain by Jo Boaler: Discover how our brains operate when we make mistakes, and how struggling makes us smarter.
6 Ways to Help Your Child Overcome the Fear of Failure by Big Life Journal: Try these 6 researched-based activities to help your child overcome their fear of failure.
John Legend: Success Through Effort by Khan Academy: Watch successful singer-songwriter John Legend discuss his early failures, what he learned from them, and how they ultimately led to his achievements.
How Many Times Should You Try Before Success? by Alex The Doodle Video Guy: Share this video with your children or students to help them learn how famous people failed on their way to success.
Famous Failures by Big Life Journal: A printable set of worksheets highlighting famous people from around the world who have failed and struggled on their way to success.

Misconceptions About Growth Mindset
Recognizing and Overcoming False Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck: Differentiate between true growth mindset and false growth mindset, and learn how to avoid the latter.
Growth Mindset: Clearing Up Some Common Confusions by Eduardo Briceño, CEO of MindWorks: Gain a deeper understanding of growth mindset and how to nurture it by wading through some common misconceptions.
You’re Not a Growth Mindset Person, and Here’s Why by Shayne Elliott: Watch as Carol Dweck explains the fixed mindset triggers that most of us have, and why there’s no such thing as a pure growth mindset.
Additional Resources
The Gottman Institute: Explore resources based on decades of research by Drs. John and Julie Gottman and learn how to use emotion coaching to help kids grow socially, intellectually and emotionally.
Hand in Hand Parenting: Discover ideas for creating a closer parent-child connection, how to listen to your kids, and even find your parenting style.
- Big Life Kids Podcast by Big Life Journal: The Big Life Kids Podcast accompanies our journal for a multisensory learning experience. The podcast is absolutely free and includes helpful show notes for parents which include additional resource links and discussion questions.
Authentic Parenting: Listen to free weekly podcasts on topics ranging from managing stress to how to say “no” to your kids.
Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids, Teens, and Parents for a list of amazing, character-building listening options for the whole family.