Purchase this kit or join GrowthMinded and easily find a resource for your child's exact needs, whether it's boosting their confidence, resolving sibling fights, or addressing disrespectful behavior. We collected our popular printables, exclusive print-free activities, and parenting scripts inside GrowthMinded. Now, finding what you need is super easy!
The Growth Mindset Holidays & Celebrations Kit offers over 80 pages of printable worksheets, posters, crafts, entertainment lists, and coloring sheets for children for your main holidays and celebrations.
Holidays and celebrations are the perfect moments to reflect, enjoy time together, and spread cheer. With these engaging activities, you can promote kindness and gratitude around special events while cultivating a growth mindset.
This digital kit is designed for ages 5-11 and makes a great family, homeschool, or classroom activity.
The digital PDF includes:
Click play to see what's included in the kit.
Each license (purchase) is valid for one educator/classroom with 1-35 students in one classroom or one family. These printables are for non-commercial use only. This PDF file may not be distributed for free or for any form of compensation. If you would like to use these printables as part of a class or practice you charge for, you must purchase a professional license. Please reach out to support@biglifejournal.com for more information.
For complete terms of use, go HERE.
Growth Mindset Holidays & Celebrations Kit PDF (ages 5-11)