5 Essential Steps to Create a Growth Mindset Corner What if there was a place at home or in the classroom where kids can learn about the incredible power of their brain, problem solve, reflect on their mistakes, brainstorm ideas, work on projects, a... Read more
5 Ways to Foster a Healthy Competitive Mindset in Young Athletes Sports provide kids with many opportunities for growth and mastery. But all too often, competitive events are approached with a FIXED mindset. When kids want to quit after a loss, make excuses rath... Read more
The Secret to Fostering Creativity in Kids (Hint: Go Outside) If I asked you to do something “creative” I bet you would run for the paint supplies, a drawing pad or maybe something musical. When we ask our children to get creative the same thing happens - th... Read more
7 Activities to Help Your Child Develop a Positive Attitude We can teach our kids to accept negative emotions and process them in a healthy way. We can encourage positive thinking and positive affirmations. Try these seven simple and effective activities t... Read more
Top 75 Growth Mindset Movies for Children Movies are a great tool to teach important life lessons and can help reinforce messages we're trying to teach our children. We put together a list of great movies and videos in which characters de... Read more
Kindness Challenge for Children (A Fun Printable Activity) As parents and teachers, we want our children and students to become kind and giving adults. One great way to practice kindness is by volunteering your time and creative ability. Our Act of Kindn... Read more
Top 85 Growth Mindset Books For Children And Adults One easy way to help children develop a growth mindset is to introduce them to books which promote persistence, love of learning, learning from mistakes and other key growth mindset ideas. Here's a... Read more
Growth Mindset: 3 Reasons You Struggle to Teach It We already know about the magnificent power of teaching children a growth mindset. However, what if you are struggling to teach this to your kids or students? You are certainly not alone. It appear... Read more
5 Steps To Create a Growth Mindset Bulletin or Vision Board Creating a Growth Mindset Bulletin or Vision Board is a fun, positive activity that will help your children or students learn about and practice growth mindset! Read more
5-Day Growth Mindset Challenge for Children This 5-day growth mindset challenge has five fun and engaging printable activities for children! It is designed to help them: understand the difference between growth mindset and fixed mindset le... Read more
7 Effective Ways to Help Children Overcome Social Anxiety Social anxiety is one of the most common problems that prevents children from having a growth mindset. It is one of the main reasons kids are afraid to fail or to make mistakes. They may be afraid... Read more
29 Books and Activities That Teach Kindness to Children Kindness can be learned like any other skill. It seems like such a simple quality, but unless we teach children to be kind, it won't become an integral part of their being. Fortunately, there are... Read more